Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Benefits of Trekking

Trekking is perhaps one of the most popular outdoor activities and one of the basic activities on which many other activities like camping or backpacking, or rock climbing are based. Here are some of the reasons why I recommend trekking to people.

Fun Time with Family and Friends:
Trekking can be an excellent way of spending quality time with family, friends or even a loved one for that matter! A day of trekking can be turned into a family picnic, a friends’ day out or even a quite little rendezvous for the lovebirds! No matter whom you want to share it with, the
joy of hiking is boundless!

Enjoying Nature:
Trekking is perhaps one of the best ways to enjoy the beauty of nature. Walking through the verdant surroundings and marveling at the beauty of the serene river waters or the playful waterfalls is something which you can do while you are trekking.

Peace of Mind:
Some people go for trekking in search of inner peace. For many it is a way to get away from their hectic lives and all the stress. trekking is thus a great way to spend some time alone as well as relish the joy of nature. Trekking should be undertaken in a relaxed state of mind, rather than in a rush.

Exercise and Fitness:
In addition to all the above-mentioned reasons, trekking is also a fun way to fitness! There are many people who prefer trekking and workout, instead of running on the treadmill. Trekking improves basic metabolic rate, controls obesity, prevents heart disease and improves breath synchrony. Walking is the simplest form of exercise that helps control hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis.

The good thing about choosing trekking over other forms of exercise is that almost anyone can do it. There are typically a variety of different trails for beginners to establish not only their footing, but also their route. As you progress, you can usually trek on up to a more difficult path, climb a steeper hill or natural steps made of large rocks. Pay attention to each step and focus on how you need to use your whole body to propel you uphill, balance you on your way down and keep you from falling when you’re walking on a unstable surface.

So the next time you are looking for a fun way to spend the weekend, go for trekking!

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